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With microneedling becoming an increasingly popular beauty treatment, we at Rebecca Taylor Aesthetics clinic, Suffolk, felt it was time to get to the bottom of its many myths and cut through the mystique. Our treatment involves using either the SkinPen, a medical-grade device that helps a variety of skin concerns or using INTRAcel Pro RF Microneedling, which combines micro-needling with deep radiofrequency.


Microneedling is painful: FALSE

The treatment involves using clusters of small needles only millimetres thick, so pain is kept at a minimum. Many people don’t report that it’s painful at all, and others say there’s just some minor discomfort.


Results of the treatment vary: TRUE

While we agree with this, it’s true of every type of cosmetic procedure, or surgery. That’s because everyone is different, and everyone’s skin needs are different. Add age, ethnicity and the area of skin you’re treating into the mix, and it’s no surprise that different people achieve different results.


Microneedling treats skin problems: TRUE

We recommend the treatment for a variety of skin concerns, including acne scarring, hyperpigmentation and fine lines/wrinkles. Microneedling has regenerative, healing effects on the skin, so can help repair damage and dryness, too.


Microneedling makes your skin sensitive: PARTLY TRUE

In the days following treatment, your skin will feel tight and you may experience some redness and tenderness – but the good news is, it’s short-lived, and within a few days your skin will feel back to normal. All it takes to manage is to keep out of the sun and apply an SPF treatment to protect from sun damage.


Results don’t last long: FALSE

Although results from the treatment are temporary, you could enjoy up to 6 months of improved skin. For something so minimally invasive, that’s an impressive statistic. What’s more, the treatment itself can be done well under an hour, and downtime is only around a day.


Microneedling is the same as PRP: PARTLY TRUE

PRP (platelet-rich plasma), also known as the ‘vampire facial’, involves taking blood from the arm, extracting the plasma, and injecting this into the skin to prompt new collagen production. Some microneedling treatments don’t use this approach, however, instead of using serums to penetrate the skin.


Book your microneedling treatment today!

We hope you’ve found this post useful in cutting through the noise and getting to the bottom of this incredibly common, hugely effective treatment. And, if you’re looking to book your microneedling treatment, look no further than our skin clinic in Suffolk. To get in touch, simply visit our contact page and fill out your details or book online today.