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With results lasting an average of 3-4 months, botox injections are a long-lasting, but still semi-permanent treatment for those seeking to banish lines and wrinkles. While you’ll get the best out of Botox by having top-ups when its effects start to fade, there are a few things you can do yourself to help prolong results. Here at Rebecca Taylor Aesthetics, a skin clinic in Suffolk, we have special insider knowledge about this popular injectable – and we’re eager to share our secrets!


Botox longevity infographic


Tip 1: Stay out of the sun

One of the main reasons our clients ask for botox treatment is because they want to soften the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. These are most commonly caused by sun exposure, so it makes sense to try and avoid, or protect yourself from, the sun. While you can cover up the skin, a simple way to stay sun-safe and help prevent wrinkles from forming or deepening is to use sun protection every day. SPF30 or higher is ideal.

Tip 2: Let your skin breathe

After Botox injections, it can be tempting to use face masks or incorporate an exfoliator into your beauty routine. But while this might seem like a good idea, it can irritate your skin, especially when it needs time to heal. You don’t want to undo all that good work! Another piece of advice is to wait at least 6 weeks between treatments. Having too much botox can make you appear ‘overworked’ and can affect your muscles.

Tip 3: Plan ahead

Botox injections aren’t a one-off treatment. To truly experience lasting results, you’ll need to put a treatment plan together, with sessions every few months – and we can help. Regular sessions will help prevent new wrinkles from forming and manage the ones you’ve got – and with a professional Independent Nurse Prescriber like Rebecca Taylor in charge of your care, you can be sure you’ll achieve brilliant, lasting results, every time. With all this in mind, why not schedule your botox injections today at Rebecca Taylor Aesthetics? At our skin clinic in Suffolk, we can book you in for a consultation to talk you through your treatment, answer any questions you might have and give you an idea of what results from which you can expect. With our dedicated contact page, booking is simple – meaning your journey with us is as relaxed and hassle-free as possible.

Tip 4: Avoid alcohol and smoking

Alcohol consumption and smoking have been found to expedite the metabolism of Botox within the body. These habits can diminish the longevity of your treatment results by hastening the breakdown of the injected botulinum toxin. By minimizing or avoiding alcohol intake and smoking, you can potentially extend the duration of your Botox effects. Opting for healthier lifestyle choices not only promotes overall well-being but also enhances the efficacy and longevity of cosmetic treatments like Botox.

Tip 5: Avoid massaging or rubbing:

Refrain from massaging or rubbing the treated area immediately after the injection. This can potentially cause the Botox to spread to unintended areas and may shorten its effectiveness By allowing the injected Botox to settle in undisturbed, you provide the optimal circumstances for it to exert its effect precisely where intended, achieving optimal results of longevity and aesthetics.

Ready to book your anti-wrinkle treatment?

At our skin clinic in Suffolk, we can book you in for a consultation to talk you through your treatment, answer any questions you might have and give you an idea of what results which you can expect. With our dedicated contact page, booking is simple – meaning your journey with us is as relaxed and hassle-free as possible.